Need a Citizenship or Residence Program?


Why should I apply in a Costa Rican Citizenship Program? > Blog  > Why should I apply in a Costa Rican Citizenship Program?

Why should I apply in a Costa Rican Citizenship Program?

As you may know, a citizenship program is a popular, progressively accepted and very popular practice of a nation making its citizenship and passport available through an investment program.

In recent years, many Latin American countries have had a significant growth and have improved their economic and political status. All of these changes have made a difference and now, many foreigners seek to invest in these countries.

Costa Rica is one of the countries in the Central American region that has had an important economic growth during the last decade.

Most of its economic growth is due to tourism and the importance given to this area by Costa Ricans. The beaches, forests, the wildlife, different tourist destinations and the kindness of its people has opened many doors to Costa Rica and has helped it to have a significant growth in the region.

The government has also allowed citizenship programs for entrepreneurs and people who want to invest in the country and obtain different advantages in return.

People who want to invest and apply for a citizenship by investment program in this country can have great advantages and benefits such as:

  • Visa-free travel for more than 115 countries in the world
  • Passport renewable for life
  • No minimum residency required
  • National Identity Card
  • Costa Rica driver’s license
  • You can live and work in the Schengen area
  • Obtain your passport within 60 working days
  • Have one of the most powerful passports in the world


Those who apply for a citizenship by investment program in this Central American country will obtain these and many other benefits. Do you need more information about the citizenship programs in Costa Rica? Contact us at

One of our agents will answer all of your questions!